Lunch and Learn: Resilience Strategies to Recognize and Respond to Stress

Feeling burnout? Attend this lunch and learn to identify your stress responses, practice a meditation and build healthier coping skills.

This session will be facilitated by our Humber staff, Priyanka Sahajpal, a Counsellor from Student Wellness and Equitable Learning, and Debbie Krulicki, a mindfulness practitioner.

All Humber staff, faculty and students are welcome. Lunch to be served.

Register now

This event is a campus partnership between Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness (HROE), Student Wellness and Equitable Learning (SWEL) and the Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness (CIHW).

This event is also co-sponsored by Mindful Employer Canada and Canada Life’s Workplace Strategies for Mental Health. The organizations provided funds and evidence-informed content to support the psychological health and safety of Humber’s staff, faculty and students.

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