MANERS Psychosocial First Aid

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, in partnership with the Tema Conter Memorial Trust, is pleased to announce the offering of the MANERS Model of Psychosocial First Aid.

The aim of Psychosocial First Aid is to provide early and supportive interventions, which will assist people with the emotional distress that may result from their involvement in an accident, injury or sudden shocking event. 

Through lectures, engaging videos, and the use of practical scenarios, this two-day workshop enables participants to learn the fundamental principles of the MANERS Model of Psychosocial First Aid and how to apply them in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

The interventions are intended to support and enhance people’s normal coping strategies and recovery processes. As such, everyone can benefit from Psychosocial First Aid, including:

  • Police Officers
  • Paramedics
  • Firefighters
  • Correctional Officers
  • 911 Communications Personnel
  • School Crisis Response Teams
  • Victims Services
  • Social Workers
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Disaster Relief Organizations
  • Teachers
  • Anyone providing customer services

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the types of crisis experienced in the workplace.
  • Distinguish between a developmental crisis vs. situational crisis.
  • Identify and examine communication barriers as they pertain to crisis intervention.
  • Identify the traits of a communication cycle and demonstrate its use in psychological first aid.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication as they pertain to crisis intervention.
  • Demonstrate, through role-play, acceptable methods of de-escalating various types of crisis.
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of a crisis and discuss one’s attitudes of accepting assistance.
  • Identify healthy habits as they pertain to self-care when dealing with stress.
  • Demonstrate the use of MANERS Psychosocial First Aid within a peer-support network.
  • Apply MANERS Psychosocial First Aid to hypothetical situations through role-playing.

Please register here:

Contact: Sondra Yanchusm, 888-288-8036,