Mentor an Internationally-trained Professional

Humber’s Community Outreach & Workforce Development (COWD) department invites you to attend an information session, hosted by Laurie Rancourt (Senior Vice President, Academic) to learn more about how you can mentor a skilled newcomer to Canada.

The Mentoring Partnership is a Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) program that brings together skilled new immigrants and established professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships.

Humber staff can play an important role in mentoring internationally-trained professionals by offering valuable advice and insight to help them understand Canada’s workplace cultures.

As a mentor, you commit to providing 18 hours of your time over a three-month period to help a skilled newcomer to navigate through the job search process. 

Benefits to you:

  • Enhanced leadership and coaching skills
  • Improved cross-cultural communication skills
  • Gain a better understanding of the skills and experiences that immigrants bring
  • Become more aware of the job market and global industry trends

We are currently looking for mentors (Humber staff & faculty) in the following occupations: IT / Business (Supply Chain/Project Management), Sales/Marketing, Finance and Accounting, Engineering/Architecture, Healthcare, Research and Development, Media/Communications/Public Relations, Human Resources, Social Services, Education, etc.

Info Session Details: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. | February 20, 2020 | President’s Boardroom (North Campus, LRC)

Light Refreshments will be served


Register for the information session: Click Here