The Mindful Way: 9-Week Mindfulness Group for Students

Counselling Services is excited to announce that they will be running a virtual mindfulness group this winter 2022 semester called The Mindful Way. This will be a nine-week closed group with a maximum of 12 participants. The group involves a combination of psycho-education, mindfulness skills and experiential learning.

The closed group starts on Thursday, February 3 and will run for nine weeks every Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Zoom.

All of the information, dates and topics, is on the poster attached.

Important information before referring:

  • This is a nine-week closed group. Students are expected to attend all sessions. Please view attached poster.
  • Students will be asked to keep their video on in the group as interaction is a huge part of this group (involves break out rooms and skill practice).
  • Interested students will meet with one of the facilitators to assess for group fit before registration.
  • Students can contact Rose Anthoy at for further information.  

Please promote to your students: 

  • Post about the 9-Week Mindfulness Group on Blackboard (view attached poster)
  • Make an announcement about the mindfulness group at the beginning of class