A Panel on Creative Leadership at Humber's Gallery

January 28, 2015 - 12:30pm
Lakeshore Campus, Room L1002

Tara Mazurk
416.675.6622 ext. 79378

Join us at lunch for a discussion about the convergence of creativity and leadership. Panelists include Chris Whitaker, Wanda Buote, Steve Bellamy, and Dylan Rudder. The panel is moderated by John Rose. 

How can we empower organizations and colleagues to embrace and adapt to change? How can we set up the environments and conditions for creative thinking? Creative leadership can cross boundaries, exist in every industry, and manifest in every facet of an organization's operations.

The Creative Panels are an ongoing series at Humber's Gallery. They are intended to empower Humber College to think about how creative approaches are inevitably integrated with our professional environment. 
