Peer Assisted Study Session Program

March 30, 2016 - 2:30pm
North Campus, LRC 3058

Leah Barclay, 416.675.6622 x4696,

Teaching a challenging course? Interested in helping your students improve their grades?

The Peer Assisted Learning Support Office may be able to help!  The PASS Program (Peer Assisted Study Session) is looking for programs to partner with to enrich student learning in a difficult course.

What is PASS?

  • Modelled after a peer led learning program created by The University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • Co-curricular academic support of high risk courses, not high risk students
  • A weekly peer facilitated study session for students to review and learn course materials
  • Systematic and disciplined approach for helping students learn material assigned by the class professor

Is my course suitable for the PASS Program?

PASS targets high risk classes, these are classes with a high drop, withdraw or fail (DWF) rate – usually 30% or higher.  Classes that might be suitable are those gateway classes, which are a prerequisite to continuing on in the program.  The content of the course is what students find challenging.  PASS is designed to support faculty and is assigned to a course because of what is being taught, not because of the manner it is being taught.

What happens at PASS sessions?

PASS sessions are voluntary, free and drop in for students.  The PASS leader does not teach any new content; they support students to discuss what happened in their lecture and allow students to gain a deeper understanding of course content.  The sessions will vary week to week as we encourage PASS leaders to come up with a variety of activities and use various learning strategies to help support students.  Each session is different.  It is an opportunity for student learners to have dedicated study time and practice problem solving, text book reading review and group discussions.

What are the benefits for the instructor of offering PASS to my students?

Instructors will find the benefits of PASS to include improved interactions with students during office hours, mentorship opportunity with a PASS leader, more feedback about difficult course content, better student involvement in class, as well as better grades for those students who attend PASS sessions.

Want to find out more?

Faculty, Program Coordinators and Deans are welcome to join us for an information session to learn more:

North Campus Info sessions:
Thursday March 31st at 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. in LRC 3058

Please drop in if you are available!

Can’t attend a session? For more information, please contact Leah Barclay at