P.O.N.D. Conference 2013

May 10, 2013 - 9:00am
North Campus, Room E135 & Concourse

Julie Valerio
Phone:416.675.6622 ext. 4180

The Early Childhood Program in partnership with the Centre for Urban Ecology is proud to bring the fourth annual Places of Natural Discovery Conference to Humber, North Campus on May 9 and 10, 2013

Keynote speakers on May 9, 2013 are Bill Kilburn of Back to Nature Network and Karen Eilersen of Discovery Child Care Centres. Starting off the day on May 10, 2013 will be Terri LeRoux and Andrew Kett from Credit Valley Conservation Foundation. Following this, the more than 200 participants will enjoy various workshops which focus on connecting children and youth to nature. The conference attracts educators from many parts of the province who are interested in this movement and the complexities of health and wellness facing today's children and families.

Many Humber ECE students are involved as participants and as volunteers again this year. As in previous years, there is a silent auction that will be open early on the 10th in the main concourse and all are welcome!