President's Lecture Series: Keith Vanderlinde

September 29, 2016 - 1:00pm
North Campus, Seventh Semester (KB 111)

Ian Gerrie, 416.675.6622 x72051,

How big is the Universe? How far have astronomers seen and what’s really out there? In the quest for ever-clearer, ever-deeper views of the sky, astronomers have put telescopes in some pretty remote places, ranging from arid deserts to the tops of mountains and even the middle of Antarctica. But what is it like to move to the South Pole – the highest, driest, coldest and harshest continent – and to live though a 6-month-long night? In this lecture, Professor Keith Vanderlinde will talk about his work with the 10m South Pole Telescope and the science that convinced him to undertake an eleven-month “winter-over” position in the most inhospitable place on Earth.