Products of the Hive - Sustainable Urban Beekeeping

Registration closes on Tuesday night for this one-day workshop open to all.

Hive products are more than just honey and beeswax. They include pollen and propolis, nucs and queens, and some surprises which we will explore. So what are the steps for a sustainable harvest? This workshop will examine harvesting tools and methods, regulations, jarring, and labeling first-hand.

Incorporating a hands-on component, attendees will have a chance to uncap a honey frame and spin it out using our hand-cranked centrifuge. Learning how to clean beeswax and build a simple solar wax melter are also part of this experience. 

Wear clothes you don't mind getting messy and/or bring an apron!

While this workshop is part of the Humber Arboretum's Sustainable Urban Beekeeping Certificate, there are no pre-requisites and it is open to anyone when room is available.

At time of posting we have three spots available for this Saturday's workshop.

When: Saturday, July 20, 10 a.m to 3 p.m.
Where: North Campus (Registrants will be sent specific location detals)
How: The  fee is $105.00 plus HST ($118.65).

Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 16.

Register now or learn more about all Sustainable Urban Beekeeping offerings at the Humber Arboretum.

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