Research Rounds: Building a Research Profile

November 7, 2013 - 12:45pm
North Campus, President's Boardroom

Daniel Fowler
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.5346


Time: 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Faculty member Shawn Cleary will discuss the critical steps to funding your research at Humber. Shawn will discuss the funding evolution of his research in water filtration systems for remote communities: a project which began with a Staff Initiated Research Fund grant in 2009, and has since been awarded an NSERC grant in 2013.

In partnership with Cleary, Humber has received its first Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) grant for a collaborative project with Carleton University and industry partner MS Filter Inc.“Unsafe drinking water is an ongoing concern, even in a developed country like Canada,” explains Cleary. “Currently, approximately 1500 Canadian communities, most of them small or rural, are under a boil water advisory due to inadequate or unmaintained treatment facilities. The grant will allow us to work on increasing access to simple and effective water treatment technology for thousands of Canadians.”

“This funding will allow both Humber and Carleton to strengthen their applied research in the field of water treatment, while also promoting the benefits of collaborative research between colleges, universities and industry,” says Cleary. “It will enable faculty researchers to remain innovative and current in their field, while also exposing our students to valuable hands-on research. We will also be helping MS Filter Inc. expands their client base, which should help to create new jobs in Ontario over the next 10 years.”

Refreshments will be served.

We request that you register for this event by please contacting Daniel Fowler, ext. 5346 or