Share Your Voice on Humber’s Indigenous Student Services and Education Programs

Kwe', Tansi, She:kon, Aaniin, N'it, Wachiya, Asujutilli, Aam Wilaa Wilina, Hello! 

The Indigenous Education & Engagement team is inviting Humber employees to attend a community session to gather your input on where Humber goes next with its Indigenous student services and educational programming. 

  • For all Humber employees: Tuesday, October 22: 12 - 1 p.m. (Virtual)
  • For Humber Indigenous employees: Wednesday, October 23: 12 - 1 p.m. (Virtual)

Register nowWe will send a link shortly before the session.

Can’t make it? Look out for a short online anonymous form where you can share your thoughts. It will be posted in Communique by the end of this month.  

Wondering what our Indigenous student services and educational programming priorities have been? Check out our 2021-2023 Indigenous Education Plan: Naawsidoong Mino Nawendiwin: Building Good Relationships.  

Belonging is Humber’s bedrock and Humber continues to focus on building Mino Nawendiwin (good relationships) with communities, both on and off campus.  

We need your voice as we plan for the important work ahead. 

Thank you for contributing!