StrengthsQuest Workshop - Spaces Still Available

May 5, 2016 - 9:00am
North Campus, Community Room

Maureen Martin-Edey, 416.675.6622 x4509,

The Gallup Organization has studied human behaviour for more than 70 years with a goal to help organizations and individuals maximize their performance. This resulted in the design of an instrument and accompanying talent development program that is referred to as StrengthsQuest. The testing instrument – Clifton StrengthsFinder – consists of 180 paired comparison items that are classified into 34 groupings or themes.

Prior to this session, you will have the opportunity to complete the online StrengthsFinder profile survey to discover your top five themes of talent. In the session, you will explore your results and learn how to recognize and appreciate the unique talents and strengths of others and consider how these can be used in your work.

To maximize the benefits of this session, please enroll with at least one other person from your department.

This session ends at 12:00 noon. 

To register for this workshop please log in to or contact Maureen at

Thank you!