Take Your Kids To Work

November 7, 2012 - 8:00am
Humber College

The “Take Our Kids to Work” day is a popular and rewarding program which allows grade nine students to shadow a parent, relative or friend, and experience a day in the life of an adult at work. Students get a first-hand look at activities, skills and career choices in today’s workplace, as well as an appreciation of their parents’ work lives.

Safety First! The safety of our young visitors is a top priority and Humber has prepared some guidelines to help parents, supervisors and managers make this learning experience a safe one.

  • Let your manager know well in advance that you will be bringing a student to the workplace, and agree on which activities the student will take part in.
  • Check out the workplace ahead of time for potential safety issues particularly from a youth perspective. Maintain a high level of housekeeping
  • On the day of:
  • Provide students with an orientation that emphasizes health, safety and security. Tour the workplace and explain the types of hazards and the safety procedures that apply. Ensure that students wear any required personal protective equipment (e.g. safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, footwear). Discuss Humber’s policy for preventing workplace violence and harassment. Students at the North campus will be required to take part in the lockdown exercise; let them know what is expected of them.
  • Allow students to undertake tasks and experiences in environments that are safe, and ensure that they follow all safety rules. Students must not be allowed to operate motorized equipment or higher risk machinery or equipment. Accompany or closely supervise students at all times.
  • Encourage students to ask questions, speak about health and safety concerns, and comment on situations they observe throughout the day.

Here’s to an enjoyable learning experience for students and their parents/sponsors!

HR Services | Health and Safety

™ Take Our Kids to Work is a trademark of The Learning Partnership Canada