Talk with Colleagues about Academic Integrity

The Academic Integrity Council of Ontario (AICO) provides a forum for academic integrity practitioners and representatives from post-secondary institutions to share information, and to facilitate the establishment and promotion of academic integrity best practices in Ontario colleges and universities. Through council meetings and the AICO listserv, participants are kept up-to-date on academic integrity matters.

You are invited to participate in a virtual session that will provide opportunities for us to talk about academic integrity in our new virtual online teaching world. AICO hour will take place on December 3 from 2 to 3 p.m.

Click here to join the meeting

The intention of this hour is to provide a forum for AICO members to engage in open and respectful discussion about academic integrity issues. 

Purpose: To provide a time and space to engage in open and supportive conversation about initiatives, questions or pressing issues they have regarding academic integrity.

Organizers: Members of the AICO Executive will coordinate and facilitate these ‘chats’ (Jennie Miron, Humber College; Amanda McKenzie, University of Waterloo; Mahdi Rahimian, Conestoga College). The event will last for one hour at a time and will run once a month for an indefinite period based on the level of interest and participation. Participation is voluntary. The organizers will take brief notes on the general themes discussed and will make these available to the participants following the meeting. The ‘chats’ will not be recorded nor will the notes be made publicly available.

If you have questions or require more information please contact Jennie Miron at