Your Teaching + Learning team is offering a variety of 3-part online mini-series in the upcoming weeks. The mini-series are designed to encourage particpants to dive deeper into a specific topic each time they meet as a group. Below are just a few of the upcoming 3-part mini-series being offered. For a complete list of upcoming 3-part mini-series, session descriptions, and to register, please visit our Teaching + Learning website.
Building Blackboard Tests
February 9, 16, 23 at 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
There are lots of ways to build tests in Blackboard. Join us in this 3-part mini-series, as we focus on building tests directly in Blackboard, using online test-building tools, and using Respondus, Humber’s licensed test-building tool.
Panopto Master Mini-Series
If you’ve been teaching in this new digital world, you’ve likely heard about Panopto, Humber’s academic video platform. In this all-inclusive 3-part mini-series, you’ll learn all there is to know about Panopto: the features it offers, how to upload & share videos, leveraging Panopto within Blackboard, creating videos using the Panopto Recording tools, and much more.
Your Next Big Idea: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
February 10, March 3, 31 at 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Do you have a new idea to try in your classroom? A learning tool you’d like to build? The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is a reflective process that helps faculty gather data to make better informed decisions about their teaching practice. It can be as casual as student surveys, or as formal as a Teaching Innovation Fund project. Join us to hear from faculty researchers who have brought new classroom innovations to life and brainstorm your next idea!