Tech Talk Workshop- Free, Free, Free! The Wonders of Linux OS

October 30, 2012 - 1:00pm
North Campus, Room D225 (Studio)

Mark Ihnat
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4752


What is Linux and why would I want it? Originally developed in 1991, Linux is a free operating system (OS) used on personal computers, mainframes and nowadays, mobile phones and tablets. A free and open source software, Linux is a versatile, flexible and, in many cases, easy to use operating system that continues to grow in popularity. During this workshop, participants will be introduced and exposed to some of the basic principles and features of Linux. No matter who you are or what you use, Mac or Windows, laptop or desktop, tablet or smart phone, Linux can be an efficient and aesthetically pleasing option when it comes to your computing needs.

 For more information or to register, visit us online.