Transition-to-Work Event: Employment Success for People with Disabilities

Accessible Learning Services, Career Services and Humber Community Employment Services have teamed up once again to run the second annual Transition-to-Work Event for students and local community members with disabilities. This event will be held over two days in the HIVES at North Campus.

Day 1
Tuesday, May 1 – will feature employment workshops about how and when to disclose your disability, arranging job accommodations, resume customization, introductions with employers and mock interview practice. Participants can also connect with various community organizations that provide employment services for people with disabilities.

Day 2
Friday, May 4 – will feature a job fair where participants can interact with 12 different employers/recruiters who are ready and eager to hire talented individuals with disabilities. Some of these employers include CBC, City of Toronto, Scotiabank, Ontario Public Service, Marriot Hotel and Specialisterne.

According to a 2017 poll by CIBC, just half of Canadians with disabilities have a full or part-time job, compared to 79% of the general population. Yet, at the same time, our graduates with disabilities are a powerful, untapped talent pool. This is why our event has reached full capacity.