United Way 6th Annual Humber Spin-A-Thon

December 4, 2015 - 3:00pm
North, A227 - Athletic Centre

Debra Basch, School of HRT, 416.707.0352, Debra.Basch@humber.ca

Register: Reg.humberspinathon2015@gmail.com

Date: December 4th, 2015
Time: 3-6 PM
opens: 2 PM
Location: Humber Athletic Centre

Teams of 4 to 6 need to raise $500 in pledges for the United Way. This year, we have many new and high end sponsors that range from Fitbit to Four Seasons, Davids Tea to National Sports. Top fundraisers and team spirit will be rewarded along with too many to count door prizes! We look forward to hosting you, feeding you, entertaining you and rewarding you. See you December 4th! 

Space is limited so reserve early. Faculty, Staff and Students are encouraged to attend and participate for this great cause.
