The Senior Level Thesis Project is the culmination of the Industrial Design student’s career here at Humber. It is the result of continuous development over the course of the academic year leading to this capstone project. Students graduating this year have learned to be adaptable and embrace change, switching seamlessly between in-person and digital studies. They have become dynamic in their skill sets by adjusting to new tools and design methods as the situation calls for it. This need for continuous learning has become ingrained into their design process, allowing them to become untethered from their current experiences and knowledge. These students are not afraid to take risks or take the plunge into the unknown – they are up for the challenge.
Humber’s Bachelor of Industrial Design class of 2023 is excited to present to you their “untethered” projects at this year’s Thesis Show. Please join us in celebrating our students' achievements at the Barrett CTI (save the date) to be held on Friday, April 28, 2023.
View the video showcasing our students’ journey