Warm Welcome

October 4, 2016 - 1:30pm
Guelph-Humber, North Atrium

Melissa Le, mle01@guelphhumber.ca

A Warm Welcome

Melissa, a business student at the University of Guelph-Humber, along with several other team members have been working on a project called “Warm Welcome”. The project is on behalf of Enactus and the “Managing Not-For-Profit” course taught by Patricia Peel. 

It is a winter coat drive that will hopefully be able to supply international students arriving this January with warm winter clothing. Most will be unprepared for the Canadian winter so having clothes readily available will help ease the new students transition. 

On October 4th, Enactus will be collecting gently used winter wear varying from winter coats, hats, scarves, and mittens. The drive will be held in the Guelph-Humber building in the North Atrium. If you are not able to attend this particular drive but still want to participate, there will be the opportunity to attend additional donation dates on October 11th and November 3rd. 

Share the warmth. Help others enjoy the Canadian winter. Your help is needed and much appreciated!