We are Sustainability STARS - Come Celebrate!

November 5, 2013 - 11:00am
North Campus, Seventh Semseter - Live-stream to Lakeshore

Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5829
Email: lindsay.walker@humber.ca

Time: 11a.m. - 1p.m.           
Lunch will be provided

This event will also be livestreamed in L1017 Community Room,
Lakeshore Campus and on Humber Media Services: mediaservices.humber.ca


Humber President and CEO Chris Whitaker, VP Finance and Admin Services Rani Dhaliwal
HSF President Tim Brilliante & VP Student Affairs Lakeshore, SCC member Candace Pellew

Toby Heaps, CEO and co-founder of Corporate Knights the company for clean capitalism. Corporate Knights (CK) publishes an award winning magazine 4 times a year. Founded in 2002, CK's flagship magazine is published as a quarterly insert in the Globe and Mail and Washington Post. As one of the world's largest circulation (125K+) maga-zines focused on the intersection of business and society, CK is the most prominent brand in the clean capitalism media space. Named 2013 Magazine of the Year by the National Magazine Awards Foundation.

In the most recent issue, CK ranked the top 30 schools "Global Green MBA Ranking" and also ranked the 2013 most sustainable countries. Toby will speak about how sustainability is showing up in many industries - not just environ-mental ones - and will link this to what Humber is doing.

Joanne Perdue, Chief Sustainability Officer, University of Calgary (Gold STARS level institu-tion). Joanne will speak to us about the University of Calgary’s recent achievement of Gold STARS, and how they got there.

Lindsay Walker, Sustainability Manager Humber College & Spencer Wood, Associate Director of Operations and Maintenance Humber College will discuss what this means for Humber Sustainability, and plans for the future.

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