Webinar: Listen Up: Podcasts as the new "Textbook"

The Educational Technology Committee (ETC) is hosting a series of FREE ETC Virtual Lunch and Learn Webinars!

This workshop (Listen Up: Podcasts as the new "Textbook") will explore how the presenter shared their love of podcasts with their students and what they learned from doing so. Two years ago, the presenter was assigned a course with an expensive, out-of-date textbook and only had a couple of weeks to prepare the syllabus and create an overall story for the course. The course itself required current thinking, explored controversies and ways of storytelling. As a regular podcast listener, they decided to integrate podcasts into the course as weekly “readings.” This eliminated the costly textbook and brought a new, current thinking to the course. This session will explore what the presenter learned from the experiment as well as student feedback. Best practices for selecting podcasts as readings will also be shared.

Workshop learning outcomes

  • Use podcasts as a tool for student engagement
  • Select podcasts that are high quality, accessible and engaging
  • Evaluate podcasts as “texts” in the classroom

Audrey Wubbenhorst, Humber College

Register for this webinar