Winter 2016 Lecture Series feat. Prof. David Birkett

February 9, 2016 - 11:00am
University of Guelph-Humber, GH 424

Alicia Sam, 416.675.6622 x6065,

Instructors, Staff & Students,

Academic Services invites you to attend the Winter 2016 Lecture Series, featuring Prof. David Birkett.

Beginning in 2003, a new phenomenon became the “Flavour of the Month” in American financial markets – the Sub-Prime Mortgage. Made possible through a wide-spread relaxation in regulatory oversite (Big Government is Bad!!), this new product made home ownership available to renters who prior to its introduction could only dream of owning their own home. Like most schemes that seem to be too good to true, the bubble burst in 2007.

The “correction” should have been contained within the housing sector. However, the interrelation of financial markets and the fact that many other sectors of the American economy were precarious resulted in a global crisis not seen since the stock market crash and ensuing depression of the 1930s.

Please join us on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 for David Birkett's lecture: "The Perfect Storm - How Sub-Prime Mortgages Precipitated the Economic Crisis of 2008” with a light lunch.

Registration is very limited! Please RSVP to and state any dietary restrictions.

We look forward to seeing you there!