Working at Home - Ergonomic Webinar

As part of the HROE Wellness Series, we encourage you to attend the Ergonomics at Home webinar that has been coordinated for Humber employees. It will be held on Wednesday, December 2 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

This live webinar presented by PROergonomics is designed to increase ergonomic awareness for staff working at home by providing education on the principles of home office ergonomics with specific focus on using what is available to you at home to improve overall set-up. Topics include:

  • creating an ergonomic set-up with your laptop
  • selecting the right chair
  • determining the ideal work surface
  • including movement in your work day
  • and more!

If you or a colleague are interested in joining on December 2, please register here


HROE Wellness Series– Pause, Re-charge, Re-centre