Presented by Egale Canada Human Rights Trust
Tuesday, October 6, 2020 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Register here |
Friday, November 6, 2020 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Register here |
This fast-paced webinar with a Q&A session will introduce participants to the diverse identities and experiences captured by the LGBTQI2S acronym, including their relationship to four components of human identity related to gender and sexual diversity. Participants will learn how and why an individual’s identity directly impacts their experience of the world, and how social norms can lead to discriminatory systems and practices. These ideas will then be used to ground a discussion on the importance of respectful and inclusive language as a component of fostering safer and more inclusive spaces. Participants will leave the webinar with both inspirations and tips for becoming more affirming and supportive in their interactions with LGBTQI2S colleagues and guests.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explain the LGBTQI2S acronym and the diverse identities and experiences it represents;
- Differentiate assigned sex, gender identity, gender expression, and attraction and how these aspects of personal identity interact within every person;
- Understand the concepts of social location and intersectionality;
- Recognize examples of discriminatory practices that harm LGBTQI2S persons and how they link to intersecting systems of oppression;
- Understand a number of ways to affirm someone’s gender (including affirming personal pronouns) and value these practices as demonstrations of respect, and inclusion of trans and gender non-conforming people; and
- Understand updates to legislation and legal protections for gender identity and expression, in a Canadian context at Federal and Provincial/Territorial levels of government.
Kate S. Moore (she/her), M.A., B.Ed, B.E.S. is Egale’s bilingual (French and English) diversity, inclusion, anti-bias, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, leadership and transformation external trainer and consultant with over two decades of leadership experience helping diverse teams excel in the private, public and non-profit sectors.