Workshop: Unlocking the Right Brain

October 16, 2014 - 8:45am
North Campus, Room B106
Maureen Martin-Edey
416.675.6622 ext. 4509


Why can the typical adult only offer a few suggestions in a brainstorming session while most children can come up with new ideas for hours? Adults tend to shut off their creative side at work, depriving them of one of their most useful resources. Don’t fear creativity; let imagination in and choose to do things differently.

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Discover the potential for innovation around every corner
  • Turn everyday challenges into opportunities
  • This session ends at 12 noon.

To register for this and other workshops, please go to to log in to create an account; username and password. Once you log in you can choose your username and click on Reset password. You will receive a one-time password change from to create a new password to get in to register. Please remember your user name and password, for future reference.

Goback to the Program Offerings page, and click on the Programs tab on the black bar, to Entrepreneurial Skills. Click on the title Unlocking the Right Brain. Then click on Sign up.

Any questions please contact Mo at