YouthINK Art & Creative Writing Retreat

Department of English and Community Partnership Fund present YouthINK Art & Creative Writing Retreat

YouthINK is a free, two-day creative writing and zine-making retreat for 16-17-year olds from under-resourced communities in the GTA held over March Break.

At North Campus on March 12 and 13, VIBE Arts artist-facilitators will lead participants through creative writing, collaging, and zine-making workshops. 

Participants will also get to tour the college, meet current students and faculty, and learn about a world full of expanded potential at Humber by visualizing possibilities for their own future post-secondary education. 

The two-day event will culminate in a zine launch party to celebrate the group’s collective output. Friends and family are invited to attend this special event, which will feature readings by the participants. 

Participants will be provided with lunch, snacks, and TTC fare for travel to and from Humber on both days of the event; in addition, dinner will be provided to participants on day two. Also, participants will receive a small stipend for publishing their work in the zine, in addition to copies of the zine itself. In the future, the zine will be available to borrow from the Humber Libraries. 

Through YouthINK, participants will be supported in developing their creative instincts, skills, voices, and confidence, inspiring them to continue their artistic development at Humber and beyond.  

Youth can sign up at our Eventbrite page.  

Questions can be directed to the three English Department faculty who have developed this program:,, and