Part-time Teachers’ Mini-Conference

March 6, 2014

10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. – Workshops: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Workshops:
iPads in the Classroom
(North, F223)
Using the Case Method in College Classes (North, F202)
Differentiated Assessment
(North, F115)
The Joys of Freeware Technology 
(North, Lab H211)
Social Media Classroom
(North, Lab H211)
Active Adult Learning and Effective Teachers (North, F223)
Bringing the Edge Back into Your Teaching (North, F202) Social Media Strategy 
(North, F115)
12:40 p.m. to 2 p.m. – Lunch: Seventh Semester KB111

Imagining Future Friendly Schools: Technology, Global Citizenship, and Student Voice

Michael Furdyk was one of the first to explore the transformative potential of applying technology to the classroom—and to our education system. He shares stories of educators collaborating to engage their students in challenge-based learning, and to explore what it means to be a Future Friendly School in this complex, rapidly changing world. Furdyk highlights practical examples that are already in use to show us how education can move, assuredly, into the wired future. How can we successfully integrate technology and teachers, taking advantage of the intrinsic strengths of both? How do we develop curriculum to engage students, who, as a fact of life, are always plugged-in, always looking at one type of screen or another? He has learned firsthand that the world has changed. It’s about time education caught up!  

Michael Furdyk

A pioneer of the Net Generation, Michael Furdyk has turned his interest in technology into consulting for many Fortune 500 companies, and is a board member and advisor to numerous groups including Microsoft, Pollution Probe, the ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ Learning Foundation, and several other national and global organizations.

As one of Teen People’s past “20 Teens That Will Change the World,” Furdyk has shared his opinions about youth engagement and experiences as a member of the Net Generation by speaking at dozens of events, including the World Congress on IT, the US Government’s National Youth Summit, and Microsoft’s ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ Learning Summits.

Click here to view the full schedule