The Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE)

To all those returning for the new academic year, here’s what you missed:

The Humber Centre for Entrepreneurship 2.0 is ready for September 2018!

We are delighted to share with you the CfE’s progress over the summer.

  1. We finally got our membership and room booking online.
  2. New CfE website has launched:
  3. Our three-year strategic plan is finalised, which directly supports the first pillar within Humber’s five-year strategic plan (Career-Ready Citizens).
  4. We have entered into a new Strategic Partnership called Synergy West with University of Toronto ICUBE, Sheridan College EDGE and the Regional Innovation Centre (Mississauga). We are a unified group of organisations committed to helping entrepreneurs be successful, regardless of the entrepreneurial stage.

We have launched three new programs and efficient operations processes and procedures which would best serve our members. We have hired two (2) full-time employees, CfE Administrative Coordinator and an Event Coordinator, who are both committed to the CfE 2.0’s mission, of developing and coordinating entrepreneurship opportunities and activities, of the highest quality, which will benefit students, graduates and the community at large, positioning this Centre as the catalyst of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship development.

Connect with Us

Meet our Team:

CfE Team

Together, we want to serve you. If you see us around, say hello!

Interested in entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship? Become a CfE Member online, register here.

We are committed to serving YOU.