L&D Workshop - Mind Mapping

Target Audience: all full-time and part-time employees

It’s easy to feel overloaded with projects and tasks, lack of time and lack of clarity about big-picture issues. This workshop helps people to organize work, save time and feel on top of their responsibilities.

A Mind Map is a visual tool to capture and organize ideas. It can be created on paper, whiteboard or using software. The uses of Mind Mapping are endless. We’ve seen people use it to write articles, plan events, initiate projects, organize their to-do lists and much more.

This fun, interactive course will help you to learn the techniques of Mind Mapping and apply them to real business situations.

Facilitator Sonia Grossi, Best Work Yet
Date Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location North Campus, room H407

To register for this workshop, click here . 

Please visit hrs.humber.ca/learning to view all L&D workshop offerings.

Thank you!