Take Our Kids to Work Day - Stepping into the Future

For many years Humber has been supportive of the Take Our Kids to Work Day - this year is no exception!

Launched in 1994 by The Learning Partnership, Take Our Kids to Work Day is the most recognized career exploration event in Canada. Grade 9 students/children of Humber/Guelph-Humber employees will enjoy an experiential learning opportunity.

This year, Take Our Kids to Work Day will take place on Wednesday, November 14 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Through Take Our Kids to Work Day, students are able to witness the world of work firsthand, prompting early career planning, and enabling students to make informed decisions pertaining to their future goals and endeavours. By participating in Take Our Kids to Work Day, students are able to learn about a variety of careers, industries, and sectors.

The programming for the day at Humber/Guelph-Humber is underway and we are excited and encouraged by the response levels to participate and showcase what the College has to offer!

Further details to follow.

About The Learning Partnership

The Learning Partnership is a Canadian charity that prepares students to thrive in a diverse, connected and changing world. We leverage the best thinking from educators, business, and government to deliver experiential programs for students that cultivate entrepreneurial thinking and support social emotional learning. Since 1993, we have been helping build the foundations for students to solve tomorrow’s challenges. For more information, please visit thelearningpartnership.ca.

Please complete the attached registration form and return to learninghrs@humber.ca by Friday November 2, 2018 if you plan to participate.