Face Recognition Study Seeking Participants

Dear colleagues,

Please see the research study notice below for information pertaining to a research study we are conducting throughout the fall semester at the University of Guelph-Humber. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in providing this information to interested members of faculty and staff. Please feel free to inform students about this opportunity too. All are welcome to participate.

Research study notice:

Dr. Adam Sandford’s research team is looking for participants in their research project that examines whether face-shape information supports recognition of faces. Participants will be tasked with recognizing faces under varying viewing conditions. This investigation will inform theoretical and practical discussions about underlying mechanisms and processes used in face recognition. In under one hour, participants of this study will each receive a $20 gift card for their contributions to our scientific investigation. More details about this study will be emailed to interested students and members of faculty and staff. These details are provided in an information letter, which will be attached to our email responses. Please note that the first study is taking place at the University of Guelph-Humber on Humber College's North Campus.

For study details, please contact Dr. Sandford at adam.sandford@guelphhumber.ca. Thank you in advance for your interest.