Humber Motorcycle Rider Training Update

Humber has reached the difficult decision to stop offering motorcycle rider training at the end of 2019. Over the past few years, a number of efforts were made to improve the program’s situation including partnering with industry to help offset delivery costs. Unfortunately, continued declining enrolment combined with high operating costs and an aging fleet has resulted in the program becoming financially unsustainable.

We’d like to acknowledge Andy Hertel, the program manager, for his continued leadership and support for the program. Thank you, Andy, for all of your hard work in providing a positive motorcycle riding experience to your students. 

Earlier this week, instructors and staff impacted by this decision were informed that 2019 will be the last year motorcycle rider training is delivered by the College. Many have worked at Humber for several years and I want to thank them for their dedication and professionalism.

Humber is proud of the program’s nearly 40 years of safely training motorcycle riders in Ontario and we will be looking at different ways to commemorate the contributions of the program to the College’s history.

Alister Mathieson
Vice-President, Advancement and External Affairs