Bell Let's Talk Day

University of Guelph-Humber Bell Let's Talk Event

January 30 is Bell Let’s Talk Day, a national campaign focused on raising awareness and generating funds for mental health. This year, the University of Guelph-Humber will be joining the conversation alongside 130 other postsecondary institutions across the country.

To support this important initiative, there are a series of events and activities taking place this week, which are open to all staff, instructors and students.

Here’s a list of what’s happening to help us break down the stigma and support mental health awareness and initiatives:

Monday, January 28

  • Sign the Bell Let’s Talk banner in the atrium to show your support.

Tuesday, January 29

  • Sign the Bell Let’s Talk banner in the atrium to show your support.

Wednesday, January 30 – Bell Let’s Talk Day

  • UofGH Bell Let’s Talk Event - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Atrium
  • BLT Banner Signing – sign the banner to show your support.
  • Selfie Station - Take a selfie and share your photo on social and Bell will make a donation to support mental health initiatives.  
  • Discussion Wall. Write and post a message in a BLT bubble on the discussion wall to be part of the conversation.
  • Family and Community Social Services (FCSS) Society information table
  • Giveaways for participants