The 19th Annual Chair Show – Redefining The Future of Work

Humber Industrial Design presents:
The 19th Annual Chair Show – Redefining The Future of Work

What tools will people need to do their work in the future? What design opportunities exist in the the rise of the “Gig Economy”. According to the Harvard Business Review over 150 million people in North America and Western Europe that perform office type work are now independent contractors. That means instead of working at a typical office workstation they are getting the job done at a home office, a coworking space, or at a public space like a cafe. People are also traveling for work more and are often trying to maximize their efficiency by working in airports and hotels. The second-year students in the Humber College Industrial Design Degree program have designed seating solutions to address these issues. Come see how they are imaging the furniture designs of the near future.

The Chair Show is the public exhibition of the Industrial Design chair project. It is also a design competition judged by panel of noteworthy local design professionals from companies such as Umbra, Borgo and Nienkamper. The four winning designs (first, second, third and people’s choice) will be announced during the evening of the show. The Chair Show is attended by approximately 300 people each year, including design professionals, industry insiders, students, family and friends. Interviews, photo and video opportunities will be available. The show is open to the public and admission is free. Raffle tickets are available to purchase with prizes that include designer chairs.

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