NAOSH Week Day 4: Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees

It’s NAOSH Week Day 4! Today’s theme is Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees. Check out the information below then click on the link to do the one minute quiz of the day and enter a draw for prizes. Remember to check the Communiqué every day this week for more safety tips, quizzes and chances to win.

NAOSH Week Quiz #4 – Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees



What is a Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee (JOHSC)?

  • An advisory group consisting of members from faculty, support staff and administration who work as a team to identify workplace hazards and improve health and safety.

What does a Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee do?

  • Meet regularly to discuss health and safety concerns
  • Make recommendations to improve health and safety
  • Perform regular workplace inspections
  • Investigate workplace refusals
  • Investigate serious workplace accidents

For more about JOHSC in Ontario, click here: Joint Health and Safety Committees.

Humber now has 8 Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees! There is one at each campus and one at each of the Community Employment Centres. You can reach out to your local committee at any time.

JOHSC Co-Chairs at Humber
Location Management Co-Chair Worker Co-Chair
North Campus Susan Miller Des McCarville
Lakeshore Campus Spencer Wood Jennifer Leonard
Orangeville Campus Joe Andrews Shona Robbins
5 Community Employment Centres 1 at each location 1 at each location 

Click on the link for more information: Joint Health and Safety Committees at Humber. If you are interested in getting involved, contact your co-chair or Pamela Homiak, Health and Safety Specialist, x5473,

Now you know about Humber’s JOHSCs, go back to the top and try the one minute quiz for a chance to win a prize. Don’t forget to check out the daily quiz every day this week for more chances to win. Correct answers will be entered in a draw. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 14.

Did you miss a Day earlier in the week? It’s not too late to take a look and enter the draw…

What is NAOSH Week?

North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week events and activities have been held in Canada, the United States and Mexico since 1997. In Canada, NAOSH Week is led by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE). For more information, go to or