NAOSH Week Day 5: Slips, Trips & Falls

It’s NAOSH Week Day 5 – the last day! Today’s theme is Slips, Trips and Falls. Check out the information below then click on the link to do the one minute quiz of the day and enter a draw for prizes. Remember to check the Communique every day this week for more safety tips, quizzes and chances to win.

NAOSH Week Quiz #5 – Slips, Trips and Falls



Sometimes falls result in nothing more than a bruised ego, but they can also cause a great deal of pain and suffering.  Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries in Ontario and Humber is no exception. However, if we all pitch in, we can minimize the risk and make our workplace safer.

What are some common types of hazards to watch for?

  • Slippery surfaces caused by spills
  • Weather related hazards (e.g. snow/ice) in parking lots and walkways
  • Floor mats that are loose or have upturned edges
  • Cords and cables running across walkways or other routes of travel
  • Tools, equipment or debris left on the floor
  • An uneven, or sudden change in floor surface
  • Poor lighting

What should you do if you see a slip, trip or fall hazard?

  • Report hazards specific to your work area to your supervisor.
  • Report building or grounds-related hazards to Facilities Management: call x4444 or use the Archibus work order system (Go to and click on “Place Service Request” to complete and submit a work order.)
  • After hours, call Security: 416-675-8500

What else can you do to prevent slips, trips and falls?

  • Select footwear that is appropriate for your work activities and environment
  • Don’t rush; adjust your pace to suit the walking surface
  • When carrying objects, ensure that they do not block your view
  • Keep walkways and floors clear of boxes, extension cords, and litter
  • Clean up spills right away
  • Use the handrail on stairs
  • Put away your phone and other distractions. Stay alert!

Click here for more information and ideas: Preventing Falls from Slips and Trips


Now you know about preventing falls at Humber, go back to the top and try the one-minute quiz for a chance to win a prize. Correct answers will be entered in a draw and winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 14.

There has been a safety quiz in the Communique every day this week. If you missed a day, it’s not too late to go back – just use the links below. Each time you complete a new quiz, your name will be entered again in the draw for prizes. You have until the end of the day on Monday, May 13th to get your entries in.

We hope you have enjoyed this NAOSH Week series. If you would like more information about this week’s topics or any other health and safety issues, contact Health and Safety Services at, or visit our website, Many thanks to members of Humber’s Joint Health and Safety Committees who work hard for our community throughout the year and help make Humber a safer place!

What is NAOSH Week?

North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week events and activities have been held in Canada, the United States and Mexico since 1997. In Canada, NAOSH Week is led by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE).  For more information, go to or