Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation Course

(Note: this course has been CANCELLED)

Humber College’s International Development Institute (IDI) is offering a two-day course on the Introduction to Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E). This course explains key techniques and methods on the practices of M&E and its application, using case studies of international development organizations and projects. Students will learn practical skills and knowledge that is critical to improve development practice on the ground. The course is facilitated by Universalia’s Hussein Amery, who has developed M&E frameworks for the IDRC and UNHCR, among other organizations.

What Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation Course
When Wednesday, August 14 & Thursday, August 15, 2019
Where Lakeshore Campus
Cost $592.75, taxes included (lunch and snacks provided)

To learn more about the course and to register, please visit here.


Humber College’s International Development Institute (IDI) was established in 2003 with a mandate to design and deliver high quality international development education and programming, drawing from Humber’s expertise in technology, education, health, business, and social services. The IDI brings together students, faculty, and development partners to contribute to effective and sustainable development around the world. The IDI has designed and delivered high quality international development education and programming in more than 30 countries globally. The IDI values collaborative partnerships based on two-way knowledge sharing between faculty in Canada and abroad. To learn more about the IDI, please visit