After months of thoughtful consideration and discussion, we will be announcing this afternoon that we have made the difficult decision to close the Orangeville Campus at the end of June 2021.
This date aligns with the end of the Spring 2021 semester and Humber’s lease agreement at the Alder Recreation Complex. Current Orangeville students will have the opportunity to complete their studies. Classes and campus operations will continue as planned for the rest of this year. Students who began their studies in Fall 2019 will be the last Orangeville cohort.
Orangeville students, employees and partners are all important members of the Humber community. We care deeply about all of them, and we will make every effort to support each individual over the coming months.
We appreciate and value our employees. The Orangeville campus’ two full-time staff members will be offered new roles as of 2021. We will also work to identify potential employment opportunities at our other campuses for part-time and contract employees.
I would like to acknowledge and thank all of the great work done by all faculty and staff to make Orangeville a great place to learn and work. Specifically, I would like to recognize Joe Andrews who, as Campus Principal, has led Humber’s presence in Orangeville with pride and integrity. Thank you, Joe, for your tireless work and commitment to our students, your team, the campus and the community. I know you and your team will work to create a positive campus experience this year and next.
From offering new programs to building new partnerships, we have made a variety of attempts over the past decade to increase enrolment in Orangeville. We have tried different locations and have been active in supporting local community causes. Unfortunately, we have not been able to grow enrolment and over the past few years, the campus has operated at a net loss. Our enrolment challenge, along with increases in operating costs and the recent reduction in tuition revenue, have all contributed to the decision to close the campus.
We are announcing the closure now to provide everyone impacted by the decision with as much notice as possible. The timing is prior to the application window for the next academic year, ensuring that there will be no confusion for prospective students applying to Humber for Fall 2020, and enabling us to direct them to programs at North or Lakeshore campus or online. We hope that the timing allows the Town of Orangeville the time it needs to the search for a new tenant for the Alder Street Complex.
In addition to regular classes and activities for the next two years, we will support learners in Orangeville through online learning and corporate training. And we will continue to partner with local school boards to deliver dual credit programming. Local learners are also be able to access postsecondary programming at Georgian College’s Orangeville campus. As a result of our decision, Georgian has informed us that they will begin offering Social Service Worker and Early Childhood Education programs in Orangeville in Fall 2020.
While we know that today is a difficult day across the Humber community, we’re confident that we will support one another as we move forward. Thank you again to all members of the Orangeville community for your commitment and contributions.
Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.