L&D Workshop – Process Improvement

There is still space to register for this session.

Process Improvement
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: North Campus, LRC 6104
Facilitator: Sonia Grossi, Best Work Yet

The learning outcomes for this workshop are:

  • Learn what makes a robust process
  • Experience creating a process including flow diagram
  • Learn who to involve in drafting or redesigning a process
  • Receive a template to help you document your process
  • Discover how to successfully implement and get buy-in for your new process

Sonia Grossi is an experienced facilitator, trainer and coach who has a passion for developing and transforming people in the areas of personal and professional development.  She thrives on helping people and teams become high performers, develop their leadership, and form new perspectives of the world around them.

Sonia is known for her unique delivery style which is fun, inspired, and opens a safe space for everyone to learn new concepts and skills and feel supported in their roles to excel. She believes that everyone has the potential to be great leaders and experience fulfillment on their terms.

Please register here or contact Maureen or Michelle at learninghrs@humber.ca.

Thank you.