Last Call for Fall

Join us for Last Call for Fall (LCFF) 2019!

Hosted by Peer Assisted Learning Support (PALS) and Learning Commons on Novembe 14 at North Campus, LRC 3rd floor, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

LCFF is an opportunity for students to get help with assignments and prepare for exams, in a supported study space that includes:

  • Tutoring, general help with accounting, math, writing, and research
  • Workshops on multiple-choice test tips, stress management, presentation skills  
  • Stress relief activities (massages, nail treatments, games and more!)
  • Free food and hot beverages  
  • Prizes! 

Support provided by PALS, Humber Libraries, Math and Writing Centre, Accounting Centre, Academic & Career Success Centre, International Centre, FYE, Guelph-Humber Student Life, BASE, IGNITE, LinkedIn Learning Ambassadors, Humber Spa, SSE Digital Communications and Public Safety.