Faculty Grading Coffee House

March 2
2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
North Campus D224-J
March 3
2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Lakeshore Campus, H206

Have you ever taken a stack of papers to a coffee shop only to notice that everyone around you is grading as well? Have you ever puzzled over a grading decision and wished you had a colleague to briefly chat with? Well, you are not alone! Humber's Teaching & Learning Support values all of our wonderful instructors, and wants to celebrate your hard work by opening up a warm and welcoming space for co-working. Join us at the first open session of your own Faculty Grading Coffee House!

  • Warm drinks and light refreshments
  • Quiet and comfortable space to tackle some grading
  • Collegial space to chat with others during breaks
  • A Teaching & Learning Support colleague who can answer questions
  • Refreshers available on Blackboard gradebook and entering grades in MyHumber

Drop by anytime between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.  We would love to see you!