Speed Networking Event 2015 - A Recap

November 23, 2015

Humber Business Placement Centre’s Speed Networking Event took place on November 13th at the North Campus and was a tremendous success.

The event opened with our Associate Dean, Mark Hanna, addressing a packed house of 30 employers and 112 students. Mark shared personal experiences on networking and highlighted how beneficial it is to students. He stressed the importance of meeting sector-specific employers in order to update information and knowledge.

The keynote speaker was Ramesh Warrier, Director of eBrp Solutions. He held the attention of the audience with practical tips to the students from the employer’s perspective. He set the tone for an aggressive Speed Networking Event by giving them a different outlook on networking and sharing personal experiences in a simple and interactive manner.

Contact: Antoniette Di Marco, 416.675.6622 ext. 3662, antoniette.dimarco@humber.ca