Self-Care Series

Self-Care Series (5 Parts) – Tools to Boost Your Well-Being to Care for Others

A few months ago, we would not have imagined being where we are today. Our world has changed drastically, and ongoing change is a new reality. No matter your profession, COVID-19 has changed your life. Overall good health is a key component to how we cope day-to-day. It is essential to take care of yourself as this affects how we care for others, both in our personal lives and in our communities. 

Let’s do it! This self-care series was created for all of you to provide tools to build your resilience and strengthen your ability to care for all. In this series, we will focus on how to create a balanced life, the value of healthy environments, relationships, and strategies on how to create a “toolbox” for mental, emotional, and physical wellness.  

We are inviting you to take time for yourself and participate in the interactive sessions with experienced and passionate professionals who bring together a wealth of multi-disciplinary approaches to awaken your inner-self and enhance the quality of your life.  

There is nothing more valuable than a contagious smile and happiness you can share with others. 

If you are interested in attending the entire series or the individual workshops, please access the information from the training calendar: 

City Wide Training Calendar

For more information, please contact