Updated Business Card Order Form

February 4, 2014

Our Humber business cards have changed to reflect a brighter identity through our WE ARE HUMBER brand.  Your current Humber logo business cards should continue to be used until none remain. All new business card orders, however, will be printed using the new look as shown below.

To improve service, a more user-friendly order form has been created for you to submit your business card orders.  You can find the form on the Purchasing Services & Sustainability website at humber.ca/purchasing/forms  or at http://www.humber.ca/finance/forms-procedures.

Please note that the business card order process remains the same:

  • complete the form with FOAP
  • send it to the printer (Grenville)

The on-campus print shop can help track your orders or answer questions regarding the printing details. Contact the North campus at ext. 4228 email humber.north@grenville.com or the Lakeshore Campus at ext. 3584 email humber.lakeshore@grenville.com.

If you have any questions regarding the business card process, please contact Jessica Powell at ext. 5172, jessica.powell@humber.ca

Sample Front

Sample Back