Please save the date for the virtual 5th Annual Advisor Training from October 26 to November 13, 2020.
Advising & Career Services is committed to providing meaningful learning experiences to Humber and Guelph Humber’s faculty and staff, and are excited to announce that the 5th Annual Advisor Training will be held as a virtual conference over a three week period in the Fall semester starting October 26 and ending November 13.
This year's theme is Advising Without Silos: Collaborating for Student Success, and we look forward to having Advisors, Program Coordinators, Faculty and Staff from all departments and academic faculties at Humber and Guelph-Humber join us to discuss, share, and learn about advising techniques, skills and issues that affect us all.
A detailed session schedule will be released in September, and all sessions will be accessible virtually via Microsoft Teams to the Humber & Guelph-Humber community. We have continued to improve Advisor Training even further this year with the feedback received from faculty and staff, and are pleased to introduce a career-ready theme throughout the conference, and a faculty-focused stream of presentations.
For more information and updates, please check our website.