Digital Campus Town Hall

Over the last few months, Humber has adapted and changed to support new ways of teaching & learning, service delivery and collaboration. Several initiatives in Humber’s Digital Campus Plan have been accelerated to support our community through this journey.

As we begin the Fall semester, we are hosting a Digital Campus Town Hall to provide you with an overview of the digital services and supports available for our students. This session will include representatives from the Academic Division, Student Success & Engagement, Open Learning Centre and Information Technology Services.

Please join us for this Digital Campus Town Hall on Thursday, September 3 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 pm. Please register here. Once you register, the participant link will be sent to you via Outlook calendar invite. The Town Hall will take place on Microsoft Teams. 

You will have the opportunity to ask questions live or, if you wish to submit a question in advance, please email

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Scott Briggs
Chief Information Officer
Gina Antonacci
Associate Vice President, Academic