EDI Town Hall

EDI Townhall: Please join us at a Virtual Town Hall to hear the latest news about the EDI Taskforce’s progress in the establishment and implementation of an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees as part of Strategic Priority #7 of Humber's 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.

When: Monday, September 21, 2020
Time: 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Online Please register in advance to help us plan: https://humbereditownhall2020.eventbrite.ca

Need an accommodation? Contact humanrights@humber.ca.

Please submit questions in advance by sending them by email to humanrights@humber.ca.

In preparation for the EDI Town Hall, we invite members of the Humber community to review the following documents and provide their feedback:

1) High-level draft objectives for all program areas
2) Humber’s equity, diversity and inclusion definitions

Thank you for submitting your feedback to humanrights@humber.ca by Wednesday, September 16, 2020. You may also access detailed work plans for all program areas by sending your request to humanrights@humber.ca.

Thank you for your continued engagement and support.