Webinar: Accessible & Inclusive Communication Strategies

This webinar is part of our Fall 2020 project: Building Digital Capacity, funded by Humber’s Applied Research and Innovation, and presented by the Professional Writing and Communications Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Did you know that according to Statistics Canada, 22% of Canadians live with one or more disabilities?

Accessibility, as it relates to communications and product design, is an emerging industry. Join Caitlyn Crews, Marketing and Communications Coordinator at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), in this engaging hour-long webinar where she’ll share both the knowledge and resources that will enable you to create experiences everyone can access and enjoy. Learn the key design principles and practices (e.g., using alt text and high-contract colours) for creating accessible copy, websites, infographics, and more.

Find out more about the webinar and register here.

This webinar is free and open to everyone, please share with your students and network.