Webinar: The Future of Technology in Retail

This webinar is part of our Fall 2020 project: Building Digital Capacity, funded by Humber’s Applied Research and Innovation, and presented by the Digital Business Management BComm, Faculty of Business.

This webinar is for you if you’d like to learn how major retailers use Artificial Intelligence to transform customer experiences. The retail sector has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Retailers have shifted their strategies by redefining the way they interact with customers. 

You will learn how major retailers use AI and smart assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa in simplifying the online shopping experience. Join us as we explore the in-store shopping experience, analyzing the role of service robots in providing customer service. 

Find out more about the webinar and registeration information here.

This webinar is free and open to everyone, please share with your students and network.